About Us

Always striving to find new ways to improve sustainable horticultural practices with the use of beneficial soil microbes. RTI, a data-driven company, has developed a reputation for producing highly active and cost-effective microbial inoculants.
Reforestation Technologies International (RTI), has been producing products containing mycorrhizae, that help in the establishment and restoration of forest and wilderness ecosystems, for the past 25 years. It all started in 1993 with the creation of the Feeder Pak – a packet of granular fertilizer in a teabag that conveniently supplies nutrients to a plant for one to two years, with less than 1% of those nutrients being lost to run-off. RTI then started working with biologicals, soil additives in the form of fungi and bacteria, as a way to bring life to the soil.
These technologies and products, developed to enhance sustainable practices and produce healthy plant growth in harsh environments, are the foundation of all RTI product lines. Our products consist of organic nutrients that do not pollute, and biological organisms that improve soil health, benefiting plants and their surrounding environment. This blending of organics and biological organisms helps to significantly reduce the number of fertilizers and water needed in the landscape.
Our main product, MYKOS® (Rhizophagus intraradices), is a beneficial soil fungus that increases nutrient and water availability to plants. Mycorrhizal fungi are a critical component of healthy soil biology and comprise about 80% of all the microbial organisms that support plant growth and health. RTI began producing commercial cultures of mycorrhizae fungi in 1996 and is the nation’s oldest and largest producer of quality mycorrhizal inoculants.
Mycorrhizae use has played an important part in successful habitat restoration, mine and pipeline re-vegetation, highway erosion control projects, and many other environmentally sensitive projects throughout the Americas and Europe.
As the company moves toward its second full decade of developing and producing biological solutions for landscape management, new biological organisms, including AZOS (Azospirillum brasilense), an aggressive nitrogen-fixing bacteria, are being researched and introduced.
Azospirillum brasiliense “fixes” and supplies at least 70% of nitrogen that plants need from the air. Much of the synthetic nitrogen used in turf and landscape management can be reduced or replaced through the use of AZOS.
The use of MYKOS mycorrhizae and AZOS alone will help to reduce our overall energy demands, as it requires 100,000 cubic ft of natural gas to produce one ton of nitrogen fertilizer. In fact, the production, transportation, and application of nitrogen fertilizers comprise 90% of the “Carbon Footprint” created in landscape management.
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